Freelance profile

Bill Baker

I am a Counsellor/Psychotherapist with a practice in London and Surrey. I am available for articles, interview or comment. I write on relationships and other psychological subjects. Special interests include: sexual addiction, fathering, only children, parenting and (as an adopted adult) the psychological efects of adoption on the adopted adult. Over 25 years I have written for the national, specialist and b2b press. I have contributed to programmes on BBC Radio 4 and the World Service.

Contact details:

Region/nation: London
Country: United Kingdom
Telephone: 01306 501207
Fax: 01306 501207
Mobile: 07816 768470


See suggested rates:

Feature writerRates: Print media
BroadcasterRates: Broadcasting
Book writerRates: Print media - writing books
TranslatorRates: Translation
Public RelationsRates: PR
ResearcherRates: Researcher
from the Freelance Fees Guide.


  • Health and fitness
  • Sex
  • Social Sciences
  • Design
  • Foreign affairs and overseas

Profile last updated: 2002-09-02 15:31:03