Freelance profile

Nick Flaherty (Technology Writer)

I write about electronics - industrial, embedded, computer and consumer - digital TV (DTV) for cable, satellite and terrestrial, DAB and DMB digital radio, Internet (especially Internet security technology), graphics and multimedia technology as well as running bespoke media training courses, writing white papers and backgrounders and editing Web sites

Contact details:

Street: 14 Northumbria Drive
Town: Bristol
Postcode: BS9 4HP
Region/nation: South West
Country: United Kingdom
Telephone: 07710 236368


See suggested rates:

Feature writerRates: Print media
ReporterRates: Reporter
TrainerRates: Teaching/training
Web developerRates: Online/editing
Public RelationsRates: PR
from the Freelance Fees Guide.


  • Technology
  • Media

Profile last updated: 2011-09-06 18:27:58