Freelance profile

Teresa Robins

Decades of unexplained cases of neonatal or postnatal deaths of babies born to parents in Spain. Some parents believe their children are alive and live in other countries across Europe and beyond. Freelance experienced in research, investigation, writing, web design, translating (Spanish/English) and editing. Finance, business and the economy are other special interest topics.

Contact details:

Town: Sevilla
Country: Spain
Telephone: 0034 954 229 397
Mobile: 0034 649 247 245


See suggested rates:

Feature writerRates: Print media
ResearcherRates: Researcher
TranslatorRates: Translation
Subeditor or editorRates: Sub-editing
ProofreaderRates: Sub-editing
from the Freelance Fees Guide.


  • Foreign affairs and overseas
  • Current affairs
  • Women's issues
  • Crime
  • Law
  • European Community
  • History
  • Education

Major clients:

  • Human Rights
  • Universities
  • Publishers
  • TV & Radio
  • Local Periodicals

Profile last updated: 2023-07-30 12:31:54

Extra information:

As from 27 August 2017, my web site, One Lonely Voice©, came to a conclusion but the campaigns and associations it supported will continue.

I would personally like to thank everyone, friends, strangers, politicians and media friends who helped, supported and changed the path towards hope of families being reunited.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.