Freelance profile

Lindie Naughton

Heard the one about the Dublin-based sports journalist who rarely watches sport? That's me. I cover about 40 of the lesser known sports, from athletics down. I love every minute of it, especially since I started taking my own pics. Football? H'mm; only if it's local and gives me a good yarn. As a qualified coach, I also cover fitness and health topics; my book 'Let's Run' is in all good book shops now.

Contact details:

Street: 72 Trimleston Park
Town: Booterstown
Country: Ireland
Also find me on: Twitter |
Telephone: 00353-(0)1-2837235
Mobile: 00353-(0)86-1023396


See suggested rates:

ReporterRates: Reporter
Feature writerRates: Print media
ColumnistRates: Print media
Subeditor or editorRates: Sub-editing
Electronic publishingRates: Online/editing
PhotographerRates: Photography
from the Freelance Fees Guide.


  • Sport
  • Health and fitness
  • Gardening and horticulture
  • Music

Major clients:

  • Evening Herald
  • Independent Newspapers
  • Irish Runner
  • Irish Garden

Profile last updated: 2011-08-27 15:11:22