Freelance profile

Robert McKay (

My experience of publishing management, change and strategic development is derived from a successful career to date in the private sector, but with links into the administrative sector. I also have achieved success in entrepreneurship, investment, consultancy and non-executive directorship. I am accustomed to P&L responsibility and to meeting or exceeding financial and operational requirements.

Contact details:

Postcode: EC2Y 8NB
Region/nation: London
Country: United Kingdom
Also find me on: Facebook | LinkedIn |


See suggested rates:

Electronic publishingRates: Online/editing
Commissioning editorRates: Print media
ResearcherRates: Researcher
Book editorRates: Print media - editing/producing books
ColumnistRates: Print media
Online journalismRates: Online/writing
from the Freelance Fees Guide.


  • Law
  • Business and commerce
  • Charity/voluntary sector
  • Lifestyle
  • Personal finance
  • Consumer affairs
  • Industry
  • Politics
  • Leisure and hobbies
  • Finance and economics

Major clients:

  • Bloomsbury PLC
  • Centaur Media PLC
  • European Patent Office
  • Kingston University
  • Wyatt International

Profile last updated: 2024-11-19 07:26:18

Extra information:

"I would also direct you to Robert McKay’s post on Slaw on The Future of Legal Publishing, which is quite excellent"
"the very smart ....Robert McKay, ...whom I’ve followed for many years for...insight into the world of legal publishing"

....Jason Wilson, Vice-president, Jones McClure Publishing
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Robert is always worth a read on legal publishing"
"Another great article from Robert. Always informed always well written"
"Robert McKay Writes Best Article About Legal Publishing Industry That I’ve Read For Yonks

 Thankyou Robert."

"We Love Robert McKay.. !"

"Another great article from Robert. Always informed always well written"

"Robert is always worth a read on legal publishing"

"One of the very few left with a  holistic understanding of legal publishing"


"Robert McKay, the philosopher publisher"

....Gary Rodrigues, Publishing consultant and columnist at Slaw


"And let's be honest Robert does know what he's talking about", March 18, 2013


“Robert has a very wide range of expertise to which he brings a strategic view as well as deep analytical and investigatory skills. I highly recommend business contact with him.”October 18, 2012


“Robert was a great support in my role running the business. He had a deep understanding of the principles of professional publishing which he applied to a forward looking approach to the challenges of the digital world. 

This is an all too rare skill in senior publishing staff” October 15, 2012




"Robert McKay, expert on legal and professional publishing"

Liberum Capital


“When I reported to Robert his encyclopaedic depth and breadth of knowledge of the professional publishing industry and markets was already well developed. In that context he was always happy to set strategic direction and leave me space to address the technical and tactical. However he was always sharp enough to challenge and test my plans and always ensured we kept focused on the commercial realities.

Rewarding to work for, a consumate professional and still a thoroughly nice chap.” May 18, 2012


"I especially enjoy reading anything by Robert McKay"  March 30, 2012


“I had the pleasure of working with Robert in one of the most interesting moments of both our careers -- the privatisation of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Robert brought to this groundbreaking situation a level of professional publishing insight, a diplomatic temperament and mentoring skills that helped the team achieve remarkable results in a short span of time. 

The scope of publishing activity at The Stationery Office was challenging, and Robert guided his direct reports and, through them, their teams to find focus and balance. Within a traditionally risk-averse culture, he supported and championed new ventures in digital publishing and ecommerce. At the same time and with a light but persuasive touch, he made sure that we attended to business fundamentals and accordingly managed our projects with PRINCE-level discipline. 

Time and distance have not prevented me from turning again and again to Robert McKay as a touchstone for industry insight, professional advice and career insight. His successful track record in publishing would alone be draw enough for that, but his sociability and wit make it all the more rewarding.” February 27, 2012



"If this were the old testament they'd call him a prophet !" January 6, 2011


 “Robert is a great business leader with a strong drive and commitment to deliver tangible results. His great experience and expertise in the Legal, Tax and Regulatory information industry allow him to spot opportunities quickly and empower his team to make things happen! Robert is highly strategic as well as tactical, commercial, innovative and resourceful and combines this with being personable in all his business dealings!” December 6, 2010


 “If you want to know something in the professional publishing world, you ask Robert - it's as simple as that. As a manager he brings out the best in people, sometimes talents they didn't know they had. One of his greatest attributes is that he doesn't take himself too seriously, which makes him a rare pleasure to work with.” December 5, 2010


  “I was lucky enough to report to and work with Robert when I was taking my first steps in a senior publishing role. Robert is incredibly knowledgeable about professional publishing, very well connected, always supportive and ready with a solution when needed. I learnt a lot from him. Publishers looking for advice on developing and growing their lists need will find Robert an asset to their business” October 19, 2010


 “What Robert does not know about professional or academic publishing - be it tax, law or financial services - simply is not worth knowing. Robert has an extraordinary track-record of publishing achievement - is hugely gifted in assembling loyal teams of authors and editors - with a keen eye for spotting market gaps. On a personal level, he always makes time to help and advise - truly rare in today's business world.” June 8, 2010 

 “Robert's reputation in the world of professional publishing is richly deserved. He has, for many years, been involved with some of the biggest names in the market in leading roles. Clearly he is commercially astute and knows how to drive a successful publishing program and business. I worked with him in two roles and each time recognised that I was dealing with a very knowledgeable, highly capable and professional individual.” March 25, 2010

 “Robert is an inspiration to work with; wise, calm, insightful and with astonishing industry knowledge. A true gentleman; razor sharp wit and the ability to cut straight to the heart of the matter.” March 24, 2010 

 “Robert is one of publishing's true and rare talents. His intelligence and sheer breadth of knowledge are second to none. A leader and a mentor, Robert has much to offer to his reports and fellow peers. Working with Robert was an excellent learning curve for me and one I will always remember. He seeks a standard of excellence and he that seeks, finds - a very valuable skill.” February 23, 2010

“Robert is an excellent publishing and media professional. As a manager and leader, Robert intuitively knows when to provide leadership and guidance, and when to simply trust an individual in their ability to get the job done. Always extremely approachable, commercially astute, and resourceful; combining strategic flair with tactical know-how.” September 25, 2009

"Robert McKay, a highly respected specialist in law, tax, accounting, business information and professional information" Gerry Black, "Frank's Way" 2008, published by Vallentine Mitchell