About this Directory
The NUJ Freelance Directory is the most reliable and probably the biggest listing of professional English-language media freelances - and some who work in other languages for UK-based publications.
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The Directory includes writers, editors, sub-editors, designers, illustrators, photographers, broadcasters, scriptwriters, web designers, translators, trainers and researchers - and more - working in over 30 countries, primarily for publications in the UK and Ireland.
The Advanced Search allows you to find freelances having a given skill, covering a specialist subject, by nation or region and to search by names and keywords.
The Directory has been published by the National Union of Journalists since 1974. Every freelance in it is a member and has demonstrated to the Union that they are in fact a professional journalist - whereas some other directories list anyone who pays a fee. All have agreed to abide by the Union's Code of Conduct.
The Freelance Directory is an essential tool for publishers, broadcasters, PR agencies, marketing consultancies, or anyone needing the services of a freelance with specialist media skills. Over the years, many freelances have discovered the value of a listing in the Directory. Listings are free to NUJ members, who can sign up here.
Professionals treat professionals well
Every freelance in this Directory has been accepted into the National Union of Journalists as a professional. You as a professional editor will want to treat them properly: the NUJ expects those who commission freelances through this Directory to adhere to professional terms and conditions