NUJ Freelance Directory


Paid-up members of the National Union of Journalists (UK and Ireland) who are freelances are entitled to free entries in this Directory.
Fields flagged * must be completed! Fields in green are not made public.
Your email address* *TIP
Retype email address*
The NUJ Freelance Directory will not reveal your email address to anyone. So it's a safer means of being contactable than others. But the entire point is that you should be contactable - and though we've taken steps against spam we can't promise that none at all will arrive flagged "Via NUJ Freelance Directory". If you do want to make your email address public, put it into your profile page later on.
Password* Your password enables checking & changing your entry later...
Retype password* ... and it must be at least six characters long. *TIP
The entire point of the Directory is that any and all details details you enter below here will be visible to the whole internet including search engines such as Google!
First name(s)*
Last name*
Trading name
Fill this in only if you use something other than your real name - like "Acme Design".
Street address
Region or nation in the UK*
Your web site

If you want to give much more extensive details or to show potential clients sample articles or more than three photos, you will want to make yourself a website. If you do not have one already, you can come back later, log in with your password, and add its adress to your Directory entry.

This and the following will be links to web pages, so must start with http:// -
you can come back and fill these in later!

Your Google+:
Your Twitter:
Other service: The name of that service:
NUJ membership number*

If you have joined the NUJ since the spring of 2011 and your membership number takes the form M12345, that's it.

Otherwise, just the digits, please, leaving off any letters. DO include the same number of zeros as are given at the start.

The Directory needs the number as printed on your membership card. The version on your press card likely won't work, and missing or wrong numbers mean your Directory entry will be hidden. (Sorry that's boring, but we're stuck with it.)

Sorry, we have to ask you to show you are not a spam machine. Please answer the question with a number:

Please subtract eight from eleven:

Take care entering your email address! This is the address where most offers of work will arrive. It will also be your new login, and is also where the Directory will send you new passwords. So it needs to be right, and it needs to be an address that you check regularly.

The Directory will not reveal it to anyone or anything, except people you choose to send messages to, so you should not have to worry about spam.

This is quite an important password! Maybe it's not quite as important as the one for your online banking, but it would be unfortunate if anyone changed your entry so that you had less cash to fill that account with.

Tip for an easy-to-remember but quite hard-to-break password: choose two unrelated words and join them with a punctuation mark: Cheer#Fences for example.