Directory contents: Book writer
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- Neil Root: Book writer, Feature writer, Reporter; Crime, History, Media; London, UK
- Ben Skipper (McClelland & Chase): Book writer, Feature writer, Researcher, Picture researcher, Photographer, Public Relations; History, Military and defence, Aviation, Arts/entertainment, Gardening and horticulture; Newark On Trent, East Midlands, UK
- Polly Bird: Book writer, Feature writer, Online journalism; Business and commerce, Education, Leisure and hobbies, Women's issues, Public relations, History; Bedlington, Northern and North-East, UK
- Francesca Albini: Book writer, Book editor, Feature writer, Translator, Online journalism, Photographer; Sciences, History, Medicine, Arts/entertainment, Health and fitness; BRIGHTON, South East, UK
- Graeme McLagan: Book writer, Broadcaster, Feature writer, Reporter; Court reporting, Crime, Law; South East, UK
- Jenny Vaughan: Book writer, Book editor, DTP skill; Children/educational materials, Sciences, Animals, Charity/voluntary sector; London, UK
- Andrew Don (Don's Hard News): Book writer, Columnist, Feature writer, Online journalism, Reporter, Scriptwriter; Animals, Current affairs, Disability, Food and drink, Gardening and horticulture, Finance and economics, Humour, Leisure and hobbies, Youth, Business and commerce; Wales, UK
- Elizabeth Ingrams: Book writer; Military and defence, Women's issues; London, UK
- Greg Lewis: Book writer, Scriptwriter, Broadcaster; History, Current affairs, Crime, Court reporting, Politics, Education; Wales, UK
- Helen Johnson: Book writer; History; Yorkshire and Humberside, UK
- Richenda Power: Book writer, Feature writer, Researcher, Photographer; Social Sciences, Health and fitness, Environment and conservation; London, UK
- Sheka Tarawalie: Book writer, Feature writer, Researcher, Proofreader, Public Relations, Columnist; Politics, Media, Current affairs, Foreign affairs and overseas, Public relations, Religion; Oldham, North West, UK
- Eugene Byrne: Book writer, Feature writer, Online journalism, Researcher, Commissioning editor, Reporter; History, Travel/tourism, Humour, Current affairs, Children/educational materials, Property; South West, UK
- Richard Ruzyllo (spygun): Book writer, Book editor, Online journalism, Trainer, Columnist, Feature writer; Business and commerce, European Community, Politics, Finance and economics, Current affairs, Foreign affairs and overseas, Humour; Lewes, South East, UK
- Pete May: Book writer, Feature writer, Online journalism, Columnist, Subeditor or editor, Trainer; Football, Humour, Lifestyle, Politics, Arts/entertainment, Media, Film and theatre, Leisure and hobbies, Environment and conservation, Music; London, UK
- Ian Williams: Book writer, Broadcaster, Feature writer, Online journalism, Columnist, Trainer; Business and commerce, Charity/voluntary sector, Foreign affairs and overseas, Current affairs, Politics, Environment and conservation, History, Film and theatre, Food and drink, Religion; Livingston Manor, United States
- Joan Lilian Palmer-Moore (Joan Palmer): Book writer, Feature writer, Reporter, Researcher, Online journalism, Columnist; Animals, Arts/entertainment, Consumer affairs, Leisure and hobbies, Women's issues, Travel/tourism, Social Sciences; Eastbourne, East Sussex., South East, UK
- Renzo Frontoni: Book writer, Photographer, Translator; Arts/entertainment, Charity/voluntary sector, Religion, Travel/tourism, Music, Lifestyle; London, UK
- Sue Walker: Book writer, Trainer, Researcher; Crime, Law, Women's issues; South East, UK
- PHYLLIS OBERMAN (PHYLLIS OBERMAN CONSULTANTS): Book writer, Feature writer, Online journalism, Researcher; Building/construction, Business and commerce, Consumer affairs, Design, Food and drink, Leisure and hobbies, Arts/entertainment, Women's issues, Technology; BARNET, London, UK
- Jackie Wills: Book writer, Feature writer, Online journalism, Researcher, Proofreader, Trainer; Arts/entertainment, Business and commerce, Education, Environment and conservation; South East, UK
- Nicholas Murray: Book writer, Columnist, Feature writer, Online journalism, Reporter, Researcher; Arts/entertainment, Charity/voluntary sector, Humour, Trade unions, Education; London, UK
- Nick Inman (Inman): Book writer, Book editor, Photographer, Translator, Feature writer, Illustrator; Travel/tourism, Politics; near Toulouse, France
- Mick Sinclair: Book writer, Feature writer; History, Travel/tourism; London, UK
- Padraig Yeates (PYE Communications): Book writer, Scriptwriter, Reporter, Researcher, Subeditor or editor, Subeditor or editor; History, Industrial relations, Trade unions, Finance and economics, Transport, Education, Current affairs, European Community, Politics, Marine and maritime; Dublin, Ireland
- Kim Farnell: Book writer, Book editor, Feature writer, Columnist, Researcher; Offbeat, History, Leisure and hobbies, Lifestyle, Arts/entertainment, Animals; London, UK
- Francis Beckett: Book writer, Feature writer, Subeditor or editor; History, Education, Politics, Industry, Religion, Business and commerce, Film and theatre; London, UK
- Mary-Claire Mason: Book writer, Feature writer, Researcher; Health and fitness, Women's issues; London, UK
- Janet Wright: Book writer, Feature writer, Scriptwriter, Book editor, Reporter, Online journalism; Health and fitness, Medicine, Food and drink, Environment and conservation, Women's issues, Animals, Social Sciences; London, UK
- Marc S Dubin: Book writer, Book editor, Photographer, Feature writer; Travel/tourism; London, UK
- Dave Walsh (Blather): Book writer, Photographer, Public Relations, Subeditor or editor, Online journalism; Environment and conservation, Offbeat, Travel/tourism, Animals, Architecture, Charity/voluntary sector, Humour, Sciences, Technology, Current affairs; Dublin 3, Ireland
- Rani Singh: Book writer, Broadcaster, Scriptwriter; Arts/entertainment, Current affairs, Environment and conservation, Food and drink, Foreign affairs and overseas, Leisure and hobbies, Media, Military and defence, Motoring and motor sport, Music; Ealing, London, UK
- Nick Rider: Book writer, Book editor, Feature writer, Subeditor or editor, Translator, Researcher; Travel/tourism, History, Food and drink, Foreign affairs and overseas, Current affairs, Architecture, Arts/entertainment, Design, Film and theatre; London, UK
- Marcus Chown: Book writer, Broadcaster, Feature writer, Reporter; Sciences, Technology; London, UK
- Julia Pascal: Book writer, Broadcaster, Feature writer, Researcher, Scriptwriter, Translator; Arts/entertainment, Charity/voluntary sector, Foreign affairs and overseas, Health and fitness, Leisure and hobbies, Medicine, Religion, Women's issues, Fashion/beauty, Film and theatre; London, UK
- Peter Urpeth: Book writer, Commissioning editor, Reporter, Online journalism, DTP skill, Subeditor or editor; Arts/entertainment, Music, Current affairs, Local government, Politics; Stornoway, Scotland, UK
- Ann Kramer: Book writer, Book editor; History, Women's issues, Children/educational materials; South East, UK
- Claudia Forero: Book writer, Feature writer, Researcher, Subeditor or editor, Public Relations, Trainer; Foreign affairs and overseas, Lifestyle, Arts/entertainment, Environment and conservation, Ethnic and minority; Richmond, Surrey, London, UK
- Sarah Urwin Jones: Book writer, Feature writer, Columnist, Broadcaster, Researcher; Arts/entertainment, Music, Architecture, History; Scotland, UK
- Antonia Chitty (ACPR): Book writer, Feature writer, Online journalism, Public Relations; Children/educational materials, Disability, Health and fitness, Business and commerce, Women's issues, Public relations, Lifestyle; Bexhill, South East, UK
- Dorothy Venables: Book writer, Feature writer, Proofreader, Public Relations, Researcher, Subeditor or editor; , Business and commerce, Charity/voluntary sector, Gardening and horticulture, Industrial relations, Public relations, Women's issues; London, UK
- Jane Bidder: Book writer, Broadcaster, Feature writer; Celebrities, Children/educational materials, Education, Health and fitness, Humour, Travel/tourism, Women's issues; Berkhamsted Herts, South East, UK
- Jackie Mitchell: Book writer, Feature writer, Broadcaster, Public Relations, Subeditor or editor, Researcher; Food and drink, Health and fitness, Travel/tourism, Women's issues, Business and commerce, Celebrities, Consumer affairs, Design, Leisure and hobbies, Property; Claygate, South East, UK
- Bruce Whitehall: Book writer, Feature writer, Researcher, Scriptwriter, Subeditor or editor; Advertising, Design, Food and drink, Industry, Leisure and hobbies, Media, Technology, Travel/tourism; Surrey, South East, UK
- Brian Harvey: Book writer, Broadcaster, Researcher; Charity/voluntary sector, European Community, Military and defence, Social Sciences, Technology; Dublin, Ireland
- Rupert Butler: Book writer, Feature writer; History, Industry, Marine and maritime, Military and defence, Foreign affairs and overseas, Leisure and hobbies; London, UK
- Nicole Swengley: Book writer, Feature writer; Design, Leisure and hobbies, Travel/tourism; London, UK
- Philip STEELE: Book writer, Book editor; Children/educational materials, Current affairs, Foreign affairs and overseas, History, Travel/tourism; Beaumaris, Wales, UK
- Alan Maryon-Davis (Dr Alan Maryon-Davis): Book writer, Broadcaster, Feature writer; Health and fitness, Humour, Medicine; London, UK
- Michael Aylwin: Book writer, Subeditor or editor, Feature writer, Reporter; Sport, Humour, Social Sciences, Arts/entertainment, Travel/tourism; Southfields, London, UK
- Liz Heron: Book writer, Feature writer, Translator; Architecture, Arts/entertainment, Media, Music, Travel/tourism, Women's issues; South East, UK
- Mike Gatehouse: Book writer, Researcher, Subeditor or editor; Foreign affairs and overseas, Politics, Public relations, Social Sciences; Brecon, Wales, UK