Freelance profile

Sara Walker

Feature writer specialising in France, travel, animals and country lifestyle. I live partly in Cheshire in north west England and partly in south west France and write for a range of print publications and websites.

* Click here to see sample photos

Contact details:

Region/nation: North West
Country: United Kingdom
Mobile: 07980211151


See suggested rates:

Feature writerRates: Print media
Online journalismRates: Online/writing
ProofreaderRates: Sub-editing
TranslatorRates: Translation
from the Freelance Fees Guide.


  • Animals
  • Leisure and hobbies
  • Travel/tourism
  • Lifestyle

Profile last updated: 2011-10-29 10:14:34


Please click on a thumbnail to see a larger version.

In the Pyrenees © Sara Walker In the Pyrenees
With Monty the springer spaniel in the French pyrenees